For that beautiful light to shine apon Eternity invades...

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Selfish me.

I'm going to be selfish. I'm going to complain or maybe sound needy or irrational.
I'm 31. I have a life that I'm thankful for. I'm beyond blessed. However, there is one empty place in my heart. I'm ready, so ready for it to be filled. I'm ready to fill that place in someone else's heart. But since I've been hurt so much, and I've been alone so much, I've had time to think. Think about what I actually want. And that's where I become selfish.
I want to know what it's like. To have a man look at me and see no one else. I know I'm not gorgeous. However, have I become jaded? What in the world is wrong? Am I too needy? I realize I expect too much from people. That will not change. I deserve the best and there is a part of me that realizes that since my standards are so high, people to the left and right of me will find beautiful relationships where as I continue to search and fail. Those people were not meant for me. God knows what the heck He is doing. I mean, seriously. He whispered all of the stars and all of creation in one single breath. But still. The human part in me is just sitting here thinking "really? REALLY? What is wrong with me? I love God, I'm a faithful woman, I love my church, I love my daughter, I love animals, and seriously? Nothing." I just keep getting signals to stop before I even begin. So frustrating.
So I wait. No. I surrender. White flag is raised.
These are just thoughts that go through me head now and then. It is almost like all the good guys are already gone. I missed out I suppose!

1 comment:

Beth said...

You DID not miss out and God does have someone just for you, and when that day comes you will so quickly know it was worth the waits and all the no's for the perfect yes. I know it is hard, and saying it is hard or frustrating does not make you selfish. Praying that man into your life, and each day is one day closer! Love love love YOU!