Take time to realize...
I am on your side.
It's been a while since I've written in my own words.
I've been plagiarizing from others
it's easier sometimes to express thoughts
when others can do it so easily and in such a poetic manner
it's almost like,
words put together can mean so many different things
so I choose what I want them to mean to me
and I use them.
Instead of my own.
I don't feel as creative when I write for myself.
But it can be that simple.
Like, for example, how can I express my feelings on the difference between being dissapointed, and just feeling hurt?
To me, dissapointment is huge. It means letting someone down. It's almost intentional, a cover up, knowing and doing one thing, but not revealing the truth.
I know this will hurt you. I know this is what I should not do, but I will do it anyway and hope you don't find out, and act like nothing is wrong.
It means to let someone down. While knowing you can change it, stop it, but continue nonetheless.
Feelings being hurt, because of situations that are beyond our control, are not intentional. Unplanned. planning something on the wrong date, not knowing something is important to someone, (although it seem obvious to one person, we are not mind readers) those are temporary and can be worked though. Misunderstandings, they can be worked though with honesty, time, support, prayer. Communication. Say what you mean, yes means YES, no means NO! (See? I took words from Pastor Nate again :))
So those are my feelings. and they mean exactly what you think they mean. They don't make good song lyrics, but, it's me.